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The Cost of War

Recent Books I have Read and Recommend

  • "John Adams" by David McCollough
  • "Traitor to His Class" by H.W. Brands
  • "FDR" by Jean Edward Smith
  • "Truman" by David McCollough
  • "Thomas Jefferson Passionate Pilgrim" by Alf J. Mapp, Jr.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Democratic National Convention

Well, the Democratic Party Convention in Denver is now over. I am very pleased with the way it went and believe most other people are as well. On Wednesday night I got the chance to see President Clinton's speech, it was magnificent. Then later I caught Joe Biden's and was pleased with it as well. Thursday night, I got to see Barack's speech and was moved to tears a few times. It is so nice to hear from a politician that he feels the same as you on most issues and doesn't feel like it's his duty to tear down America but to raise it up. We all know that the Republicans have tried to destroy America for many years now and almost succeeded.

After the DNC was over all of us got to hear John McCain's pick for VP. I was shocked. This woman has no experience with anything presidential, I mean, she was the mayor of a small town in Alaska. What part of dumb idea does this guy not understand? And of course the media fawning all over her, like she was Cleopatra or something, it makes me sick. I cannot believe we have been taken to such a level that people would look at someone with no experience for the second most important job in the free world. And, to top that, she is under investigation. Wow, this is going to be fun!

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