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The Cost of War

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  • "John Adams" by David McCollough
  • "Traitor to His Class" by H.W. Brands
  • "FDR" by Jean Edward Smith
  • "Truman" by David McCollough
  • "Thomas Jefferson Passionate Pilgrim" by Alf J. Mapp, Jr.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"And that's the way it is..."

Walter Cronkite, legendary CBS News Anchor from 1962 - 1981 died Friday night, he was 92 years old. I grew up watching Mr. Cronkite most nights. He had a voice that lent itself to television and was warm and inviting to the listener, this made him one of the best in his business then or now. Most people called him "Uncle Walter." He took us through good times as well as bad and was a comforting voice in the evening when people would return home from work or from school. Rest in Peace Uncle Walter, you will be missed.

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