Yesterday was the one year anniversary of arguably the worst Supreme Court decision ever. Of course I am referring to the Citizens United case. Without going into great detail this was the case that basically gave corporations the same rights as people in the electoral process of the United States. Corporations can now participate in the process the same as individuals with only one exception, the right to vote.
There are many groups trying to fix this gross example of legislating from the bench. There is even a movement to amend the Constitution. In the last election we saw first hand what this can do to our political process with corporations pouring millions of dollars into the election of Republicans. It is time to reverse this decision or change the laws to thwart this blatant misuse of power by the right!

There are many groups trying to fix this gross example of legislating from the bench. There is even a movement to amend the Constitution. In the last election we saw first hand what this can do to our political process with corporations pouring millions of dollars into the election of Republicans. It is time to reverse this decision or change the laws to thwart this blatant misuse of power by the right!

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